
Read the latest reports published by the Institute. 

4 Nov, 2008 - This review is the fourth in a series and illustrates how education impacts on health. It shows how education influences health through…
1 Jan, 2008 - This review is the fourth in a series and illustrates how education impacts on health. It shows how education influences health through…
1 Dec, 2007 - People living in fuel poverty frequently live in cold, damp and thermally inefficient houses. Living in such conditions has an adverse…
28 Sep, 2007 - The Department of Health and Children Statement of Strategy will map out in broad terms the Department’s key areas of strategic action…
8 Oct, 2006 - A child born in Japan has a chance of living 43 years longer than a child born in Sierra Leone. Source: WHO Social Determinants of…
1 Mar, 2005 - Running from January 2003 until December2004, the Warming Up project aimed to create a capacity within south and east Belfast and…
8 Nov, 2004 - Fuel poverty occurs when a household needs to spend more that 10% of their income to maintain an acceptable level of temperature…
8 Aug, 2002 - This report describes the process, findings and recommendations of the Health Impact Assessment of the All-Inclusive Wraparound Scheme…