
3 Apr, 2024 - In this blog, IPH Public Health Development Officer, Dr Ciara Reynolds, shares her insights on what we know about gambling patterns and harms among children on the island of Ireland. This blog…
7 Sep, 2023 - Almost a quarter of 16-year-olds in Ireland gambled for money in the previous year, according to a new report, which found the odds of gambling stacked against boys compared to girls.The report, ‘…
15 Jun, 2022 - To mark Men’s Health Week (13 June-19 June), the Institute of Public Health (IPH) looks at what current data and evidence can tell us about the higher odds of gambling rates, risks, and harms among…
16 Mar, 2022 - The Institute of Public Health (IPH) attended the Joint Committee on Justice to provide some observations on the General Scheme of the…
18 May, 2021 - In this blog, Ciara Reynolds and Joanna Purdy from the Institute of Public Health (IPH) discuss gambling and mental health, effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and explore the potential public health…