
11 Dec, 2009 - The IPH commissioned a review of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001.…
9 Dec, 2009 - The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health…
3 Dec, 2009 - This Annual Update on Fuel Poverty (December 2009) follows the All-Ireland Policy Paper on Fuel Poverty and Health published in 2007…
1 Dec, 2009 - The IPH commissioned a review of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001. This included an assessment of current levels of HIA awareness and…
30 Nov, 2009 - The social and economic circumstances in which people live strongly influence their chances to be healthy. Factors such as housing,…
23 Oct, 2009 - This guidance manual explains what Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is and the stages involved in conducting it. It has been revised and…
8 Oct, 2009 - IPH 2009 Highlights detailed in this document include: -…
5 Aug, 2009 - A development has been proposed in Bangor, Co Down. The Department of Social Development (DSD) consulted on the issue and IPH has responded as below. IPH has also carried out a Health Impact…
5 Aug, 2009 - IPH contributed to the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England being carried out by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Chair of…
28 May, 2009 - The 2009 European Elections provide an opportunity to influence health at local and European Government level. IPH has produced a…
27 Mar, 2009 - IPH have responded to the draft Department of Environment (DoE) consultation on Planning Policy Statement 21 (PPS 21). In responding, IPH identify a number of potential health impacts including…
26 Feb, 2009 - IPH Chief Executive, Dr Jane Wilde gave evidence to the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee inquiry into obesity. Dr Wilde…
26 Feb, 2009 - IPH Chief Executive, Dr Jane Wilde gave evidence to the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee inquiry into obesity. 
11 Feb, 2009 - Programme: Introductions Part 1: What’s “knowledge brokerage” all about? Presentation and Q&A (Kevin Balanda) Small group discussions Part 2: What the Centre of Excellence is doing…