
A child born in Japan has a chance of living 43 years longer than a child born in Sierra Leone. Source: WHO Social Determinants of Health Factfile Inequalities and low birthweight – a global problem Across the world, babies born to disadvantaged…
Low dose spironolactone reduces the risk of death from heart failure. We examined the effects of spironolactone on potassium homeostasis in a cohort of elderly patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Eighteen patients >70 years, mean 80.5…
Public health aims to promote and protect the health of the whole population. Public health focuses on the prevention of ill health. A healthy population is an asset to society. Everyone has an important role in looking after their own health.…
Key Findings • One in six (18%) of adults aged 54 years and over in Ireland has no natural teeth although most have dentures in place of teeth. • Prevalence of tooth loss increases with age, with 40% of those aged 75 years and over having…
Addressing poverty and the detrimental effect it has on the health and wellbeing of the 300,000 people it affects in Northern Ireland has been one of the 7 Key Objectives of the Regional Public Health Strategy ‘Investing for Health’. The April 2007…
DETERMINE is an EU Consortium for Action on the Socio-economic Determinants of Health (SDH). The overall objective of DETERMINE (2007 - 2001) was to achieve greater awareness and capacity amongst decision makers in all policy sectors to take health…
The Department for Social Development (DSD) developed a Draft Regeneration Framework for the North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast City Centre, to be known as the Northside Urban Village. The Framework, which outlines the vision for the…
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, sunburn and indoor tanning bed use in childhood are well established risk factors for developing skin cancer later in life. Many skin cancers are preventable through a combination of sun safety…
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland publishes estimates and forecasts of the prevalence of chronic health conditions for national and subnational areas on the island of Ireland. The estimates and forecasts are based on statistical models of…
The early years period is a critical time for child health and wellbeing. Where children grow up with secure relationships, safe home-learning environments, adequate housing, and have good nutrition, the probability of lasting positive health and…